The last part of the bible concludes that we must not add to or take away from the word of God who is the source of eternal life.
Rev 22:18-19 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book .If anyones adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book
The above words show that if we teach people the thing that have been added to or substracted from the teachings of the bible, we will not only receive the plagues but also lose the privilege to enter the kingdom of Christ Ahnsahnghong. this means that we must follow every teaching of the bible exactly as it is.
Lk 22:7-15 they prepared the passover when hour came, Jesud and his apostles reclined at the table. and he said to them " I have eagerly desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer
There was a certain reason why Jesus said " I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover" Whoever eats Jesus' flesh and drink his blood has eternal life (Jn 6:54)
The new covenant is the truth which christ established through his precious flesh and blood to save us, sinner, who were destined for eternal death.
Jesus gave us eternal life through passover 2,000years ago. but is was abolished in 325 AD. so Chrish Ahnsahnghong brought back passover for us.
Thank you father Chrish Ahnsahnghong to give us eternal life through passover with flesh. without your coming how can we have eternal life.
Thanks again Chrish Ahnsahnghong
Juses came to this earth preached all the new covenant 2000 years ago but it was abolished by satan that's why Christ Ahnsahnghong brought back all the truth again