Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Christ Ahnsahnghong let us have beautiful mind

Someday gave me a small fish tank moved a new place. Among the tropical fish she gave me along with the fish tank. there is one whose nickname is "dirty rag"He is a dark colored fish. His tail and fins are longer than his body. So when he swims, he really looks like a dirty rag. I know it is not a nice nick name.
One day I saw a beautiful light from the fish as sunlight passed throug the window. The light was coming from body of Ditry Rag. the fish was moving his tail and fins. emitting as amazing purple light : he looked like a scarf a very luxurious scarf. I changed his nickname from dirty rag to "scarf"right away.
The same fish looked totally different he looked like dirty rag when it was dark, and when there was light he looked like a beautiful scarf. It is the same when we look at people, if we look with in our eyes, they will look different.
" A beautiful mind has no hate, and bring forth a perfect love"
I pray that my eyes will be filled with the light of love Mother and father christ Ahnsahnghong, please close my eyes to hatred which causes me to sin, and open my eyes to the light that bring forth
 By Elohist


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