Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Church of God bought with Christ's blood

Jesus brought the church with "His own blood" (Ac 20:28) "His own blood"symbolizes the New covenant Passover : Jesus gave his disciples bread and wine representing his flesh and blood on the day before he was crucified on the cross. In other words, the Church that keeps the truth of the Passover is the Church established through the sacrifice of Jesus.

In the old Testament times, the animal sacrifices were made regularly in the tabernacle or temple on the sabbath (saturday)and at the seven feasts in three times, including the Passover. In the New Testament times, Jesus established the new covenant through his blood and changed the sacrifices of the old covenant to the regulations of true spiritual worship. then father Christ Ahnsahnghong, God himself gather his people who obeyed every teaching of the Bible-the truth of the new covenant -and established the "Church of God"

In 321 AD. Roman Emperor Constantine I changed the Sabbath to Sunday, the day to worship the sun god, under the pretext of Christian liberty. and in 325 AD he convened the Council of Nicaea and abolished the Passover. So the truth completely disappeared. In other words, the Church established through Jesus' blood disappeared from the earth.

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